The information that CUEVA DORRETXE SC receives from the users of this website, through the different forms (online queries) is subject to automated processing and is incorporated into files of its ownership, being also CUEVA DORRETXE SC the entity responsible for said files.
CUEVA DORRETXE SC will treat the data confidentially and exclusively with the aim of managing the relationship with its customers and promoting the activities of the company.
The sending of emails or the completion of forms included in this website implies the express consent of the user to the inclusion of their personal data in the files referred to above.
In relation to the data collected in the manner provided in the previous sections, the user may exercise the rights recognized by law and, in particular, the rights of access, rectification or cancellation of data and opposition, limitation of treatment and potability if it results relevant, as well as the right to revoke the consent given for the transfer of your data. Such rights may be exercised by the user or, where appropriate, by their representative, by written and signed request, addressed to the following address: CUEVA DORRETXE SC in Calle Mayor Nº 13, 01300 Laguardia (Álava). The request must contain the following information: name and surname of the user, address for notification purposes, photocopy of the National Identity Document or passport, and specific content of the right exercised.
CUEVA DORRETXE SC does not use cookies to access information related to website users. However, it reserves the right to modify its criteria regarding the use of cookies.
CUEVA DORRETXE SC will keep the personal data that it has collected, and will take the necessary measures to avoid its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access. CUEVA DORRETXE SC will fulfill these duties in accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations.